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Dorothee Kreutzfeldt’s artistic practice involves painting and collaborations, often working across different media and disciplines. The city ofJohannesburg and its social/politically constructed histories and spaces have been central throughout her work. Her interests lie in how the city continues to craft, undermine and explode the experience of time, space and subjectivity.

Recent solo exhibitions include City Without a Sun (2018); EXTENSIONS TO THE LOT LINE (2017); Here We (2016); at present, (2015); and The Immanent Inauguration of the 5th Corner (2010). In 2013, she co-authored the artist book Not No Place, Johannesburg Fragments of Spaces and Times with Bettina Malcomess (published by Fanele, Jacana Media). Between 2000 and 2009 Kreutzfeldt was a founding member of the non-profit cultural platform, The Joubert Park Project, which ran public art projects, artists residency programs and the development of the historic Drill Hall in Central Johannesburg. Her work is represented in a number of private and public collections, including the Iziko South African National Gallery and Johannesburg Art Gallery.

Since 2012, Dorothee Kreutzfeldt has lectured in the Division of Fine Arts at the Wits School of Arts (painting, undergraduate and postgraduate supervision, MA program), where she also completed her MAFA, in 2004. She has also lectured and taught at various tertiary institutions including the Michaelis School of Arts (UCT), University of Stellenbosch and the Market Photo Workshop.

curriculum vitae

1970 Born in Windhoek, Namibia


1996 Bachelor of Fine Art, Michaelis School of Fine Art, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa (Distinction)

2004 Master of Arts in Fine Art, University of the Witwatersrand, WITS School of Arts (WSOA) (Distinction)

solo and two-person exhibitions

2018 City Without a Sun, blank projects, Cape Town, South Africa (with Blake Daniels)

2017 EXTENSIONS TO THE LOT LINE, blank projects, Cape Town, South Africa

2016  HERE WE, Room Gallery & Projects, Johannesburg, South Africa

2015  at present, blank projects, Cape Town, South Africa

2014  At the End of August, August House, Doornfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa

2010  The Immanent Inauguration of the 5th Corner, blank projects, Cape Town, South Africa

2007  Adversary, Parking Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa

2007  The Virgins are Trimming Their Wicks, Joao Ferreira Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa

2007  FYI, Marks Blond Projects, Bern, Switzerland

2007  When the Man Comes Around, Joao Ferreira Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa (with Simon Gush)

2005  No Condition is Permanent, Premises, Johannesburg, South Africa

2005  Like Nine Pin, Joao Ferreira Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa

selected group exhibitions + projects

2020   WITNESS: Afro Perspectives from the Jorge M. Pérez Collection, El Espacio 23, Miami, USA

2018    open agenda, blank projects, Cape Town, South Africa

2017    17, blank projects, Cape Town, South Africa

2017    A Painting Today, Stevenson, Cape Town, South Africa

2014    Invisible, Mural project, Stevenson Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa

2013    My Joburg, La Maison Rouge, Paris & Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau, Dresden, Germany

2012    Not No Place, Exhibition with Bettina Malcolmess (Dead Heat), Goethe on Main, Johannesburg, South Africa

2011    Ulterior Motors, with Dead Heat, Alternating Currents’, Goethe on Main, Johannesburg, South Africa

2010    Rencontres PICHA – Biennale de Lumumbashi, Lumumbashi, DRC

2010    Reflejo-Reflexion, Johannesburg Art Gallery; Richmond, MAP, Western Cape; Casa Africa, Las Palmas; Sala Parpalló, Valencia (2009) & Nirox, Johannesburg (2008)

2010    Passage, with Bettina Malcomess, Afropolis, City Media Art, Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Cologne, Germany

2010    Us, (curated by Simon Njami and Bettina Malcomess), Johannesburg Art Gallery & Iziko National Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa

2009    We, the people declare, in the pursuit of our desire, here, today, with Dead Heat, Montagsbar, Temporäre Kunsthalle, Berlin, Germany

2009    Instructions for the Construction of a Monument, Installation, with Dead Heat, Architecture Department of the Tshwane University, for the ‘African Perspectives’ Conference, Tshwane, South Africa

2009  Nothing Ever Changes’, Group exhibition, KKNK Festival, Oudtshoorn, South Africa

2009  Trifecta. Everything happens for a reason. Everything happens by chance. Exhibition, with Dead Heat, blank projects, Cape Town, South Africa

2008  Upstairs-Downstairs, (curated by Bettina Malcolmess), AVA, Cape Town, South Africa

2008  You Deserve the Truth, Joburg Art Fair, Drill Hall, Johannesburg, South Africa

2007  Same Place, (curated by Maja Marx), Aardklop Festival, Potchefstroom, South Africa

2007  Markers VI/Divine, Group exhibition with Simon Gush, Tent, Venice, Italy

2006  We Stand by Our Leaders – Public project, with the JPP, Drill Hall, Johannesburg, South Africa

2006  3 Point Turn, with Simon Gush & Sam Matenji, Drill Hall, Johannesburg, South Africa

2006  New Painting, (curated by Storm Janse van Rensburg), KSNSA, Durban, South Africa

2006  Surface, Franchise, Johannesburg, South Africa

2005  One Night Stand, with Ingrid Masondo and Keorapetse Mosimane, Joao Ferreira Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa

2005  Sweet Nothings, (curated by Sanell Aggenbach), Brendon Bell Roberts, Cape Town, South Africa

residencies + awards

2016  Landing Above, wall painting and residency at A4 Art Foundation, Cape Town, South Africa

2008  Scenographies Urbaines – Participated in 6 week residency project with African and European artists which culminated in a 5 day festival, in Kinshasa, DRC

2005  A Jamais – Residency and exhibition, CRIC Residency, Sierre, Switzerland

collaborative & curatorial projects

2013  Same Time – Conceptualized and coordinated 5 ‘city tours’ for delegates of Wide Angle – Photography as Public Practice (conference and workshop conducted by the Goethe Institut, the Market Photo Workshop and WSOA)

2010  Numbers and Pie Charts – Intervention in collaboration with VANSA at the Joburg Artfair 2010 and in collaboration with students from WITS School of Arts

2010  Reasons to Live in a Small Town Project – Curatorial team for the residency and public art project facilitated by the Visual Arts Network of South Africa (VANSA)

2010  Think about Something happening in 5x5metres – Facilitated performance project by Marta Fernandez Calvo and Javier Aquilue, presented at No Soul For Sale, Turbine Hall, London (May) and The Back Loft, Dublin La Cathedral Studios

2009  Urban Scenographies – Management and curation team for the Joubert Park Project (JPP) production, made in collaboration with the French Collective SCu2, a month long series of
interventions, performances and presentations, with 20 international artists

2009  The Work You Requested – Collaboration with Joseph Gaylard, Nastio Mosquito and Bettina Malcomess, for the Joburg Art Fair 2009

2008  Trailer – Short film produced in collaboration with Bettina Malcomess for the TV documentary series Right Through the Arts (SABC2)

2008  Last One Standing – Collaboration between the JPP and the Snowball Fight Association Switzerland. A multi-media snowball-fight tournament, at the Drill, Johannesburg, involving four teams, with the participation of various ‘players’ in the city (soap-opera stars, trolley-pushers, hairdressers, city managers, artists, and boxers); a choir and group of referees

2008  Walking Newspaper – Collaborated and co-facilitated the 6th edition of the newspaper, a project developed by German artist Hans Winkler, within the frame of the JPP residency programme, in partnership with the Goehte Institute and National Arts Council

2008  100 Year We[a]r – Co-curated fashion competition and photographic exhibition in public spaces in the inner city, by Jean Christophe Lanquetin and Athi Patra Ruga, developed within the frame of the JPP residency programme

2008  Kin-Be-Jozi – Directed the 3rd part of the project in Johannesburg at the Drill Hall, hosting Visthois Mwilambwe (DRC), Kura Shomali (DRC), Raphael Urweider (CH), Steffi Weissman (CH), Athi Patra Ruga (SA) and Anthea Moys (SA). The project unfolded in a series of site –specific public performances and an exhibition

2006  Notes to Home – Co-directed and co-managed exchange exhibition with Joseph Gaylard (JPP)and the collective Muvarts (Mozambique), which involved a residency with Mozambican artists and travelling exhibition between the Drill Hall and Maputo

2005  Very Real Time2 – Collaboration with Gregg Smith on a series of discussions at the Drill Hall with the academics, artists, and social workers, aimed to engage the often fraud relations of intimacy, sexual relations and identity within the urban context of South Africa

2005  Preview – curated event/exhibition at the Drill Hall, in collaboration with Keren Ben Zeev. With Usha Seejarim, Stompie, Doung Anwar Jahangeer, Greg Streak, Jabu Tshuma and Mpho Molikeng, Johan Thom, Gerhard Marx, Athena Mazarakis, Craig Morris, Jayne Batzofin and Lunga Radebe as well as school groups from the area

2005  Drill Hall – Designed and produced signs for permanent exhibition at the Drill Hall on the heritage of the site; worked with trainee sign-writers and historian. For the launch ran photography outreach project and exhibition with youth from the inner city, in partnership with trainee managers and photographers from the Market Photo Workshop

2000  Co-founder of the Joubert Park Project