mailing list
Dineo Seshee Bopape
b. 1981
lives and works in Johannesburg,
South Africa

    selected works

selected exhibitions:
    Master Harmoniser (Ile, aya, moya, la, ndokh)
    how do you arrive at a place when your
    image arrives before you?

︎︎︎ artists

— publications

2019 Martin, C.J. Four Generations: The Joyner / Giuffrida Collection of Abstract Art. Gregory Miller & Co, New York, USA.

2017 Jared Ginsburg. blank projects.

2014 The Collectors, Ginsburg, Ginsburg, Morland. 

2014 Standards: A collection of notes and drawings, Jared Ginsburg (self-published).

2011 WC, Jared Ginsburg and Kyle Morland with The Independant Publishing Project.

— selected press

2023 Snowball, J. Stilled Moments: Jared Ginsburg’s ‘Objects Move Across a Room’. ArtThrob [online] (published 20 November 2023).

2019 Exciting new movable and collaborative project space launches in Joburg. Creative Feel. [online] (published 2019).

2017 Stielau, A. If You Have Stage Fright, It Never Goes Away.Adjective [online] (published 22 March 2017).

2017 Kruijers, I. Playing not practicing: Jared Ginsburg’s ‘Interludes‘. ArtThrob [online] (published 6 February 2017).

2015 Jared Ginsburg: THE NATURAL WORLD PARTS 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6. Contemporary and. [online] (published 2015).

2015 Leibbrandt, T. ‘Re-encountering ideas with joy and excitement: In conversation with Jared Ginsburg’. ArtThrob [online] (published 25 September 2015).

2015 Hunkin, J. ‘The Natural World | A Conversation between Josh and Jared Ginsburg’. Between 10 and 5 [online] (published 21 May 2015).

2015 Messina, M. ‘Jared Ginsburg’s Natural World’. ArtThrob [online] (published 2 July 2015).

2010 To be at the end and in the middle at the same time, Jared Ginsburg with Hotcake Studio, Inc. (exhibition catalogue).

2010 Jared Ginsburg wins the 2010 Michaelis Prize. Art Africa [online](published 9 December 2010).